
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

PowerPivot for SharePoint - Part II

I decided to resume blogging again, with the same old story that i left out six months back, on the installation of PowerPivot for SharePoint.

This time around, i am doing it on a serious end-to-end series of the installation and configuration, on an existing SharePoint Farm.

It is going to be lengthy, so i will be separating it to few posts.

Let's get started.

1. Installing PowerPivot for SQL , on existing Farm!

2. This is taking a while to complete. (My case, it took around 7 – 10 minutes to complete).

3. It is DONE! (With Success!)

4. Next thing after installation, make sure you deploy the “powerpivotwebapp.wsp” to all the sites that you want to enable PowerPivot integration!

5. You should have two (2) wsp installed, you only deploy “powerpointwebapp.wsp” to all web applications you want to enable PowerPivot!

6. You have to make sure these important services (Claims to Windows Token, Excel Calculation Services, Secure Store Service) are running as well (These services MUST be running)!

7. So, you have done with the preparation of PowerPivot for SharePoint, next is to “Create the Service Applications”!

8. I usually just accept the default settings :p

We are now done with the preparation, these are just the preliminary ground work required for the PowerPivot to work in SharePoint.

The next part we will talk about more detail configuration required on Excel Services Application, Secure Store Service Application, and PowerPivot Service Application required to empower your PowerPivot integration feature with SharePoint.

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